Saturday, March 21, 2009

What's the Plural of Curriculum?

Curricula? Anyway, I had NO IDEA there were so many to choose from! I'm already mind-boggled. The first choice seems to be, do I want a computer based or workbook based curriculum? I think the computer based might be good for Riley, since he likes to be on the computer all day anyway, but Regan, who isn't the strongest reader, and would probably veer off into Webkinz land every time I look away, that might not be a good option for her.

I know I want a Christian based curriculum. I figure we'll try process of elimination. Of course, I don't know how many are NOT Christian based, so that doesn't help much either. I'm literally starting from scratch. I think talking with other people who have done this will help, but I am realizing every single person has used a different curriculum, and they all say theirs is the best. I wanted someone to say, "I use this, it's perfect, you should use it too." But I'm getting a lot of, "what works for us might not work for you" statements and now that makes me nervous too!

Then I thought I had it narrowed down to 4 or 5 and found a website that has reviews and Holy Cow there's even more than I thought! More to cross off my list. I don't know if it's normal but I feel this is the "key" to home schooling. If I find the right curriculum, it will all fall into place and make this an easy decision for us. But if I choose the wrong one, the kids will hate it, I'll hate teaching it, and nothing will get done and we're worse off than before. No pressure though, right?

Then I read about a "Classical" education, okay, I'm liking this idea. Seems like a LOT more work though, for me, and hey, no big deal, I'm committed to this, I know I can do it, but again, is this THE RIGHT way to go?

Should I get a kit that includes the entire year of books, sign up for a computer based school, use a one day program where the kids go for one day and get all the instruction and work on the rest at home, mix and match curriculum based on their individual needs, or what? Seriously, someone tell me cause I still have no idea!

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